Ticket 6639 - slurmd cannot kill processes causing controller unresponsiveness
Summary: slurmd cannot kill processes causing controller unresponsiveness
Alias: None
Product: Slurm
Classification: Unclassified
Component: slurmd (show other tickets)
Version: 18.08.4
Hardware: Linux Linux
: 3 - Medium Impact
Assignee: Nate Rini
QA Contact:
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Reported: 2019-03-05 08:18 MST by Davide Vanzo
Modified: 2019-03-27 16:23 MDT (History)
2 users (show)

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Site: Vanderbilt
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Slurm config (2.34 KB, application/gzip)
2019-03-05 08:18 MST, Davide Vanzo
cgroup config (220 bytes, application/gzip)
2019-03-05 08:18 MST, Davide Vanzo
sacct output for c49 (1.79 KB, application/gzip)
2019-03-08 07:31 MST, Davide Vanzo
debug patch (4.62 KB, patch)
2019-03-11 14:32 MDT, Nate Rini
Details | Diff
sdiag output - Comment #80 (5.88 KB, text/plain)
2019-03-18 11:36 MDT, Davide Vanzo
GDB slurmctld (3.44 KB, application/x-compressed-tar)
2019-03-18 15:00 MDT, Davide Vanzo

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this ticket.
Description Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 08:18:39 MST
Created attachment 9436 [details]
Slurm config

Hi guys,

We are experiencing a very strange issue.
The Slurm controller is non-responsive causing send/recv operation timeout failures. After looking into the log we noticed that it reports about 1500 unique job steps as invalid after attempting to send a TERMINATE_JOB request that apparently does not get satisfied. By looking in the slurmd log in the corresponding compute nodes we observed that the daemon is sending SIGKILL signals as requested by the controller but the corresponding slurmstepd process remains alive. This is what I assume is causing the RPC issue.
How would you suggest to proceed?

Happy to provide all the information you may need.

Comment 1 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 08:18:58 MST
Created attachment 9437 [details]
cgroup config
Comment 2 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 08:19:19 MST
Created attachment 9438 [details]
slurmctld log
Comment 3 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 08:19:37 MST
Created attachment 9439 [details]
slurmd log
Comment 4 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 09:16:30 MST

Is the slurmstepd process (or the job processes) in D state when you look at it with ps?
> ps -ef

Comment 5 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 09:28:37 MST

Here is the output you requested:

# ps -ef | grep 6892778
root     32870 25984  0 10:25 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 6892778
root     34912     1  0 Mar03 ?        00:00:09 slurmstepd: [6892778.extern]

Here is a strace output from that process:

# strace -p 34912
strace: Process 34912 attached
restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted nanosleep ...>) = 0
open("/etc/hosts", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC)  = 9
fstat(9, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=25203, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b1f8eed1000
read(9, "     mako-nsd8\n10.2.1"..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "64\trokasgate2\trokasgate2.vampire"..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "\tcn1485.vampire\n10.0.14.76\tcn148"..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "vampire\n10.0.4.85\tcn1085\tcn1085."..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "5\tcn395.vampire\n10.0.24.96\tcn396"..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "\tgpu0020.vampire\n10.0.32.166\tcn1"..., 4096) = 4096
read(9, "\tcn318\tcn318.vampire\n1"..., 4096) = 627
read(9, "", 4096)                       = 0
close(9)                                = 0
munmap(0x2b1f8eed1000, 4096)            = 0
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 0)    = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
sendto(9, "\216\221\1\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\tsched-vip\7vampire\0\0"..., 35, MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, 0) = 35
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 1000)  = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLIN}])
ioctl(9, FIONREAD, [126])               = 0
recvfrom(9, "\216\221\205\200\0\1\0\1\0\2\0\2\tsched-vip\7vampire\0\0"..., 1024, 0, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(53), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 126
close(9)                                = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6817), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN|POLLOUT}], 1, 2000) = 0 (Timeout)
close(9)                                = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
nanosleep({1, 0}, 0x7ffd18822960)       = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
connect(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6817), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN|POLLOUT}], 1, 2000) = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
getsockopt(9, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)               = 0
fcntl(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGALRM, {SIG_DFL, [ALRM], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, {SIG_DFL, [ALRM], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, 8) = 0
stat("/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2", {st_mode=S_IFSOCK|0777, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
socket(AF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0)        = 15
fcntl(15, F_GETFL)                      = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(15, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)   = 0
connect(15, {sa_family=AF_LOCAL, sun_path="/var/run/munge/munge.socket.2"}, 110) = 0
writev(15, [{"\0`mK\4\2\0\0\0\0\24", 11}, {"\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\377\0\0\0\0", 20}], 2) = 31
read(15, 0x7ffd18822930, 11)            = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
poll([{fd=15, events=POLLIN}], 1, 3000) = 1 ([{fd=15, revents=POLLIN|POLLHUP}])
read(15, "\0`mK\4\3\0\0\0\0\206", 11)   = 11
read(15, "\0\0\0\0\0\200MUNGE:AwQDAACm9AF8rBQf6CM2"..., 134) = 134
close(15)                               = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGALRM, {SIG_DFL, [ALRM], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, {SIG_DFL, [ALRM], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, 8) = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, {SIG_IGN, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, 8) = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 20000) = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
recvfrom(9, 0x7ffd188229e0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
sendto(9, "\0\0\0052", 4, 0, NULL, 0)   = 4
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)               = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 20000) = 1 ([{fd=9, revents=POLLOUT}])
recvfrom(9, 0x7ffd188229e0, 1, 0, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)
sendto(9, "!\0\0\0\0\0\23\230\0\0\4\205\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\vauth/m"..., 1330, 0, NULL, 0) = 1330
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)               = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, {SIG_IGN, [PIPE], SA_RESTORER, 0x2b1f8fdf65e0}, 8) = 0
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_GETFL)                       = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)    = 0
poll([{fd=9, events=POLLIN}], 1, 20000) = 0 (Timeout)
fcntl(9, F_SETFL, O_RDWR)               = 0
close(9)                                = 0
rt_sigaction(SIGCHLD, NULL, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
nanosleep({60, 0},
Comment 7 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 09:36:32 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #5)
> Nate,
> Here is the output you requested:

Looking at your logs now.
Comment 8 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 09:42:50 MST
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #7)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #5)
> > Nate,
> > 
> > Here is the output you requested:
> Looking at your logs now.

Looks like your node is hung, probably due to oom:
> [2019-03-05T08:14:51.009] [6909292.extern] _oom_event_monitor: oom-kill event count: 1
> [2019-03-05T08:15:14.735] [6909284.extern] Sent SIGKILL signal to 6909284.4294967295

Can you please provide the "ps -ef" for the job processes. Can you also try to 'kill -9 $JOB_PIDS'? If SIGKILL isn't working, then there is problem with that node's kernel and I would suggest that node should be core dumped and sent to your systems integrator.

Looks like your nodes are effectively DOSing the slurmctld with steps.
> [2019-03-05T09:16:17.522] sched: 256 pending RPCs at cycle end, consider configuring max_rpc_cnt
> [2019-03-05T09:16:17.522] step_partial_comp: JobId=6915560 StepID=4294967295 invalid
> [2019-03-05T09:16:17.522] server_thread_count over limit (256), waiting

Can you please provide the output of this:
> sdiag
Comment 9 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 09:52:09 MST
Created attachment 9441 [details]
ps output
Comment 10 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 09:55:07 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #9)
> Created attachment 9441 [details]
> ps output

Can we also get?
> ps auxfT
Comment 11 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 09:57:21 MST
Created attachment 9442 [details]
ps auxfT output
Comment 12 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 09:59:36 MST

Attached you can find the output you requested.
I cannot provide the output of sdiag since it fails with socket timeout.

Comment 13 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:04:23 MST
As for killing the slurmstepd process, "kill -9" works as expected. We are actually going through all the nodes and kill the stuck slurmstepd this way in the hope that this would help getting a responsive controller.

Comment 14 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 10:06:05 MST
This should not be happening:
> root     31435  0.0  0.0 268352  3824 ?        Sl   Mar03   0:09 slurmstepd: [6892541.batch]
> root     29526  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    10:12   0:00  \_ [sh] <defunct>
The strace shows the daemon is getting stuck trying to update (probably send steps updates) to the slurmctld.

(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #12)
> Attached you can find the output you requested.
> I cannot provide the output of sdiag since it fails with socket timeout.

Please restart your slurmctld process.
Comment 15 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:07:53 MST
I have restarted it but the situation remains the same.
Comment 16 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 10:14:53 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #15)
> I have restarted it but the situation remains the same.

Then please kill all of the slurmstepd that have zombie children. Also please try to call sdiag a few times to see if it starts responding.
Comment 17 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:16:10 MST
The other problem is that killing the stuck slurmstepd on the compute nodes is not helping since slurmctld keeps sending TERMINATE_JOB requests for that same job. That's because the slurmd cannot communicate back to the controller. If I try to restart the slurmd, it is unable to register with the controller because of socket timeout. This persists even after restarting slurmctld.
Comment 18 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:20:16 MST
Here is an sdiag output:

sdiag output at Tue Mar 05 11:19:38 2019 (1551806378)
Data since      Tue Mar 05 11:19:30 2019 (1551806370)
Server thread count:  256
Agent queue size:     481
Agent count:          2
DBD Agent queue size: 2

Jobs submitted: 0
Jobs started:   0
Jobs completed: 1
Jobs canceled:  0
Jobs failed:    0

Job states ts:  Tue Mar 05 11:19:32 2019 (1551806372)
Jobs pending:   14130
Jobs running:   2511

Main schedule statistics (microseconds):
        Last cycle:   1296031
        Max cycle:    1380003
        Total cycles: 7
        Mean cycle:   1307038
        Mean depth cycle:  72
        Last queue length: 4446

Backfilling stats
        Total backfilled jobs (since last slurm start): 0
        Total backfilled jobs (since last stats cycle start): 0
        Total backfilled heterogeneous job components: 0
        Total cycles: 0
        Last cycle when: Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969 (0)
        Last cycle: 0
        Max cycle:  0
        Last depth cycle: 0
        Last depth cycle (try sched): 0
        Last queue length: 0

Latency for gettimeofday() (x1000): 24 microseconds

Remote Procedure Call statistics by message type
        REQUEST_FED_INFO                        ( 2049) count:19     ave_time:157    total_time:2986
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT           ( 5018) count:11     ave_time:3444720 total_time:37891928
        REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE                   ( 5016) count:11     ave_time:4001379 total_time:44015171
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO                        ( 2003) count:10     ave_time:530466 total_time:5304664
        MESSAGE_EPILOG_COMPLETE                 ( 6012) count:7      ave_time:4953337 total_time:34673362
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO_SINGLE                 ( 2021) count:6      ave_time:8683682 total_time:52102092
        REQUEST_STATS_INFO                      ( 2035) count:2      ave_time:224    total_time:448
        REQUEST_SUBMIT_BATCH_JOB                ( 4003) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0
        REQUEST_JOB_USER_INFO                   ( 2039) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0

Remote Procedure Call statistics by user
        root            (       0) count:31     ave_time:3760674 total_time:116580909
        ryderkh         (  483404) count:23     ave_time:204963 total_time:4714149
        wangj57         (  674623) count:6      ave_time:5797567 total_time:34785406
        ryderld         (  483348) count:3      ave_time:197703 total_time:593111
        vuiis_archive_singularity(    9211) count:2      ave_time:4215487 total_time:8430975
        weisszy         (  742600) count:1      ave_time:8886101 total_time:8886101
        cartonf         (  762584) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0
        cmspilot        (    9201) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0
        yangah          (  497281) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0

Pending RPC statistics
        REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                   ( 6011) count:491   

Pending RPCs
         1: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1406
         2: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn401
         3: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1394
         4: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1093
         5: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1412
         6: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1369
         7: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn312
         8: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1414
         9: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1344
        10: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1342
        11: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1317
        12: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1274
        13: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1305
        14: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn212
        15: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1273
        16: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1340
        17: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1310
        18: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn437
        19: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn391
        20: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1421
        21: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1286
        22: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn354
        23: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                ng1106
        24: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1303
        25: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1405
Comment 19 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 10:25:16 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #17)
> The other problem is that killing the stuck slurmstepd on the compute nodes
> is not helping since slurmctld keeps sending TERMINATE_JOB requests for that
> same job. That's because the slurmd cannot communicate back to the
> controller. If I try to restart the slurmd, it is unable to register with
> the controller because of socket timeout. This persists even after
> restarting slurmctld.

Please down all of your nodes with zombies (you may have to retry a few times):
> scontrol update nodename=<node_name> state=down reason="Jobs failing to get killed"
Comment 20 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:34:40 MST
Ok, after killing all zombie `slurmctld` the controller finally got rid of all RPCs and now it seems back to normal.

Do you have any idea what could have been the cause of this?
Comment 21 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 10:35:08 MST
Sorry, I meant `slurmstepd` in the previous message.
Comment 22 Jason Booth 2019-03-05 11:54:08 MST
Davide - We just wanted to follow up with you and see how things are progressing now that it has been a little over one hour.
Comment 23 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 12:21:03 MST
I have kept the controller under observation and now everything seems back to normal. The only unusual message is the following, although it does not seem to affect the responsiveness of the scheduler:

[2019-03-05T13:20:17.981] Warning: Note very large processing time from _slurmctld_background: usec=3024622 began=13:20:14.956
Comment 24 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 12:40:13 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #23)
> I have kept the controller under observation and now everything seems back
> to normal. The only unusual message is the following, although it does not
> seem to affect the responsiveness of the scheduler:
Lowering the severity of this ticket per your response.

> [2019-03-05T13:20:17.981] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurmctld_background: usec=3024622 began=13:20:14.956
Can please turn up logging on slurmctld:
>  scontrol setdebug debug3

Please upload slurmctld logs if it happens again.

Comment 25 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 13:14:54 MST
Created attachment 9443 [details]
slurmctld debug3 log
Comment 26 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 13:22:32 MST

I have added a 3 minutes snapshot of the slurmctld log with debug level 7. I could not keep it longer since it was causing socket timeouts again.
Those warnings are now getting more frequent and the commands are showing timeouts sometimes.
Comment 27 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 13:24:33 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #26)
> Nate,
> I have added a 3 minutes snapshot of the slurmctld log with debug level 7. I
> could not keep it longer since it was causing socket timeouts again.
> Those warnings are now getting more frequent and the commands are showing
> timeouts sometimes.

Can you call sdiag again?
Comment 29 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 13:39:26 MST
# sdiag
sdiag output at Tue Mar 05 14:38:58 2019 (1551818338)
Data since      Tue Mar 05 11:23:47 2019 (1551806627)
Server thread count:  34
Agent queue size:     48
Agent count:          0
DBD Agent queue size: 0

Jobs submitted: 8452
Jobs started:   8610
Jobs completed: 6617
Jobs canceled:  1433
Jobs failed:    2

Job states ts:  Tue Mar 05 14:38:55 2019 (1551818335)
Jobs pending:   12313
Jobs running:   3462

Main schedule statistics (microseconds):
        Last cycle:   1925262
        Max cycle:    5013003
        Total cycles: 9544
        Mean cycle:   78139
        Mean depth cycle:  105
        Cycles per minute: 48
        Last queue length: 3808

Backfilling stats
        Total backfilled jobs (since last slurm start): 3272
        Total backfilled jobs (since last stats cycle start): 3272
        Total backfilled heterogeneous job components: 0
        Total cycles: 72
        Last cycle when: Tue Mar 05 14:36:39 2019 (1551818199)
        Last cycle: 67351901
        Max cycle:  114584051
        Mean cycle: 37879036
        Last depth cycle: 3832
        Last depth cycle (try sched): 168
        Depth Mean: 3464
        Depth Mean (try depth): 156
        Last queue length: 3800
        Queue length mean: 3856

Latency for gettimeofday() (x1000): 46 microseconds

Remote Procedure Call statistics by message type
        REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO                  ( 2009) count:46832  ave_time:207    total_time:9709082
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO                        ( 2003) count:38263  ave_time:4402897 total_time:168468073891
        REQUEST_FED_INFO                        ( 2049) count:38198  ave_time:278    total_time:10656046
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO_SINGLE                 ( 2021) count:10264  ave_time:4689767 total_time:48135770260
        MESSAGE_EPILOG_COMPLETE                 ( 6012) count:9065   ave_time:4015404 total_time:36399645237
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_PROLOG                 ( 6018) count:8565   ave_time:392335 total_time:3360351671
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT           ( 5018) count:8147   ave_time:11137723 total_time:90739037135
        REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE                   ( 5016) count:8110   ave_time:7430777 total_time:60263607967
        MESSAGE_NODE_REGISTRATION_STATUS        ( 1002) count:4807   ave_time:1238519 total_time:5953564314
        REQUEST_SUBMIT_BATCH_JOB                ( 4003) count:4359   ave_time:5528213 total_time:24097481459
        REQUEST_NODE_INFO                       ( 2007) count:2908   ave_time:331351 total_time:963571100
        REQUEST_JOB_USER_INFO                   ( 2039) count:1545   ave_time:4458412 total_time:6888246749
        REQUEST_KILL_JOB                        ( 5032) count:1460   ave_time:458577 total_time:669522605
        REQUEST_JOB_STEP_CREATE                 ( 5001) count:84     ave_time:603755 total_time:50715441
        REQUEST_JOB_PACK_ALLOC_INFO             ( 4027) count:64     ave_time:895780 total_time:57329931
        REQUEST_JOB_REQUEUE                     ( 5023) count:24     ave_time:14249  total_time:341979
        REQUEST_UPDATE_NODE                     ( 3002) count:17     ave_time:2188597 total_time:37206165
        REQUEST_JOB_READY                       ( 4019) count:16     ave_time:525303 total_time:8404860
        REQUEST_STATS_INFO                      ( 2035) count:11     ave_time:366    total_time:4031
        REQUEST_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION             ( 4001) count:8      ave_time:11453958 total_time:91631667
        REQUEST_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL                 ( 1010) count:8      ave_time:10982265 total_time:87858125
        REQUEST_CANCEL_JOB_STEP                 ( 5005) count:4      ave_time:3817881 total_time:15271526
        REQUEST_PING                            ( 1008) count:3      ave_time:196    total_time:589
        REQUEST_JOB_ALLOCATION_INFO             ( 4014) count:2      ave_time:203    total_time:407
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_JOB_ALLOCATION         ( 5017) count:2      ave_time:648750 total_time:1297501

Remote Procedure Call statistics by user
        root            (       0) count:66925  ave_time:2952506 total_time:197596515575
        ryderkh         (  483404) count:50684  ave_time:2117145 total_time:107305408118
        buildbot        (    9206) count:22749  ave_time:132184 total_time:3007056754
        cmspilot        (    9201) count:11257  ave_time:7761117 total_time:87366902948
        ryderld         (  483348) count:8490   ave_time:2098260 total_time:17814234246
        cartonf         (  762584) count:5670   ave_time:2264604 total_time:12840308283
        hanl3           (  664085) count:3899   ave_time:245437 total_time:956960073
        vuiis_archive_singularity(    9211) count:3787   ave_time:243902 total_time:923657463
        wangj57         (  674623) count:2386   ave_time:1664445 total_time:3971367202
        vanzod          (  389801) count:2280   ave_time:73035  total_time:166520587
        weisszy         (  742600) count:1534   ave_time:1156463 total_time:1774014442
        masapps         (  789320) count:537    ave_time:8396122 total_time:4508717924
        autocms         (    9209) count:510    ave_time:1268545 total_time:646958049
        lcgadmin        (    9204) count:215    ave_time:6644810 total_time:1428634226
        uscmslocal      (    9203) count:200    ave_time:8709921 total_time:1741984227
        vuiisccidev     (    5010) count:179    ave_time:5375555 total_time:962224485
        masispiderdev   (    5009) count:160    ave_time:343156 total_time:54905037
        boydb1          (  177470) count:118    ave_time:2055822 total_time:242587084
        yex3            (  770085) count:89     ave_time:1598621 total_time:142277353
        fany4           (  756088) count:77     ave_time:3199339 total_time:246349173
        vuiis_daily_singularity(    9210) count:76     ave_time:1724305 total_time:131047200
        brownbp1        (  353986) count:55     ave_time:7699074 total_time:423449109
        tangz3          (  260643) count:53     ave_time:853714 total_time:45246878
        appelte1        (  111694) count:47     ave_time:1017642 total_time:47829212
        smiths21        (  177663) count:47     ave_time:16906  total_time:794593
        youg            (  780913) count:41     ave_time:490187 total_time:20097706
        gaoy3           (   93631) count:38     ave_time:869990 total_time:33059638
        mothcw          (   20003) count:38     ave_time:7764888 total_time:295065764
        chenz27         (  747109) count:36     ave_time:3875531 total_time:139519148
        kendalak        (   19853) count:31     ave_time:6818   total_time:211379
        larsonke        (  645142) count:31     ave_time:1812314 total_time:56181735
        kochenma        (  154990) count:29     ave_time:5597186 total_time:162318406
        chenl11         (  233286) count:28     ave_time:586499 total_time:16421985
        rubinom         (  752904) count:28     ave_time:6379644 total_time:178630044
        luy5            (  423460) count:25     ave_time:2244263 total_time:56106577
        yangah          (  497281) count:24     ave_time:269847 total_time:6476342
        tetream1        (  759143) count:23     ave_time:432057 total_time:9937332
        mahone1         (  754502) count:21     ave_time:2114742 total_time:44409591
        labellal        (  693461) count:20     ave_time:137575 total_time:2751515
        drakekr         (  518360) count:19     ave_time:2705064 total_time:51396224
        shueymm         (  170568) count:19     ave_time:930886 total_time:17686841
        mendenjl        (  136468) count:17     ave_time:1647876 total_time:28013899
        fongsl          (  505319) count:14     ave_time:11332834 total_time:158659685
        colbrall        (  242400) count:14     ave_time:7610379 total_time:106545313
        liuf8           (  776869) count:12     ave_time:496552 total_time:5958625
        vandeks         (  777942) count:12     ave_time:806033 total_time:9672400
        nakagat1        (  175929) count:12     ave_time:49074  total_time:588892
        ronymw          (  684864) count:12     ave_time:2614875 total_time:31378506
        opokubc         (  333903) count:12     ave_time:50454  total_time:605450
        hirboj          (  222580) count:11     ave_time:2411294 total_time:26524242
        phant1          (  791680) count:11     ave_time:400511 total_time:4405628
        hettk           (  782611) count:10     ave_time:5323810 total_time:53238109
        ahmedha         (  793676) count:10     ave_time:23374  total_time:233745
        wangj52         (  606781) count:10     ave_time:15452  total_time:154520
        daix4           (  770985) count:9      ave_time:1808693 total_time:16278241
        clarklc         (   87722) count:9      ave_time:4143369 total_time:37290325
        scholzmb        (  421502) count:8      ave_time:65009  total_time:520075
        schoedct        (  458021) count:8      ave_time:3384854 total_time:27078838
        smithst         (  237602) count:7      ave_time:10175115 total_time:71225806
        jashnsh         (  675240) count:7      ave_time:29776119 total_time:208432838
        weiq1           (  200524) count:7      ave_time:66574  total_time:466018
        hoangtt         (  347007) count:7      ave_time:14593  total_time:102154
        sealocjm        (  638884) count:7      ave_time:2190477 total_time:15333339
        strickt2        (  175381) count:6      ave_time:42044  total_time:252264
        pingj2          (  686562) count:6      ave_time:1151584 total_time:6909507
        hej4            (  121574) count:5      ave_time:13986  total_time:69930
        abraha1         (  353983) count:5      ave_time:1236054 total_time:6180273
        wangj36         (  337100) count:5      ave_time:312348 total_time:1561743
        sotocs          (  574202) count:4      ave_time:30997  total_time:123990
        mukhes1         (  479945) count:4      ave_time:1185148 total_time:4740593
        garnetj         (  112602) count:4      ave_time:56857  total_time:227429
        zhans23         (  768664) count:4      ave_time:3337852 total_time:13351410
        bentonml        (  344973) count:3      ave_time:2624886 total_time:7874658
        baiy7           (  794686) count:3      ave_time:3162   total_time:9487
        shamappk        (  649321) count:3      ave_time:628    total_time:1884
        tuos            (  126986) count:3      ave_time:668    total_time:2004
        niarchm         (  787052) count:3      ave_time:495810 total_time:1487430
        shashin         (  760018) count:3      ave_time:59671  total_time:179014
        joshin          (  688481) count:2      ave_time:11415425 total_time:22830850
        luoh3           (  649317) count:1      ave_time:31434  total_time:31434
        kenkelb         (  248940) count:1      ave_time:4538722 total_time:4538722

Pending RPC statistics
        REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                   ( 6011) count:32    
        REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                   ( 6017) count:8     
        REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH                ( 4005) count:8     

Pending RPCs
         1: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn332
         2: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn405
         3: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn1126
         4: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn1126
         5: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn1092
         6: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn1092
         7: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn1093
         8: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn1093
         9: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn1411
        10: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn1411
        11: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn1412
        12: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn1412
        13: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn456
        14: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn456
        15: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn474
        16: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn474
        17: REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                cn489
        18: REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH             cn489
        19: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1401
        20: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1310
        21: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1310
        22: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1312
        23: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1312
        24: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1331
        25: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1127
Comment 30 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 13:43:05 MST
By looking at the past logs I have also noticed that the following error appeared in the last month or so and last night we got a lot of them. I do not know if it is in any way related to the issue we observed but I thought it was worth reporting it and hopefully get some clarification on its meaning from you.

[2019-03-05T00:40:23.802] error: select/cons_res: node cn1235 memory is under-allocated (9536-65536) for JobId=6914042
Comment 32 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 14:58:36 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #30)
> By looking at the past logs I have also noticed that the following error
> appeared in the last month or so and last night we got a lot of them. I do
> not know if it is in any way related to the issue we observed but I thought
> it was worth reporting it and hopefully get some clarification on its
> meaning from you.

I don't currently think this is cause of your issue this morning but we should try to work on optimizing your scheduler configuration.

We should look at changing these values in SchedulerParameters:
> batch_sched_delay=10
> sched_max_job_start=200
> max_rpc_cnt=400

Can you please change them and send in a debug log?

Comment 33 Nate Rini 2019-03-05 15:06:17 MST
Can you please provide this output:
> sacctmgr show stats
Comment 34 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-05 15:16:59 MST
$ sacctmgr show stats
Rollup statistics
        Hour       count:8      ave_time:4279414 max_time:5110583      total_time:34235319    
        Day        count:8      ave_time:1329805 max_time:2724320      total_time:10638444    
        Month      count:0      ave_time:0      max_time:0            total_time:0           

Remote Procedure Call statistics by message type
        DBD_STEP_START           ( 1442) count:42863  ave_time:353    total_time:15154512
        DBD_STEP_COMPLETE        ( 1441) count:42815  ave_time:458    total_time:19634303
        DBD_SEND_MULT_MSG        ( 1474) count:17433  ave_time:1914   total_time:33370022
        DBD_JOB_COMPLETE         ( 1424) count:16948  ave_time:310    total_time:5269705
        DBD_FINI                 ( 1401) count:14359  ave_time:138    total_time:1982553
        SLURM_PERSIST_INIT       ( 6500) count:11291  ave_time:505    total_time:5705789
        DBD_GET_JOBS_COND        ( 1444) count:8208   ave_time:2821   total_time:23158786
        DBD_JOB_START            ( 1425) count:6571   ave_time:346    total_time:2274441
        DBD_SEND_MULT_JOB_START  ( 1472) count:3479   ave_time:4614   total_time:16052534
        DBD_GET_ACCOUNTS         ( 1409) count:2972   ave_time:483    total_time:1435998
        DBD_GET_TRES             ( 1486) count:1318   ave_time:134    total_time:177159
        DBD_NODE_STATE           ( 1432) count:619    ave_time:195    total_time:120911
        DBD_GET_ASSOCS           ( 1410) count:106    ave_time:368049 total_time:39013212
        DBD_GET_QOS              ( 1448) count:106    ave_time:342    total_time:36297
        DBD_CLUSTER_TRES         ( 1407) count:99     ave_time:704    total_time:69760
        DBD_GET_FEDERATIONS      ( 1494) count:5      ave_time:307    total_time:1535
        DBD_GET_USERS            ( 1415) count:5      ave_time:75653  total_time:378268
        DBD_GET_RES              ( 1478) count:4      ave_time:227    total_time:910
        DBD_REGISTER_CTLD        ( 1434) count:4      ave_time:611    total_time:2445

Remote Procedure Call statistics by user
        slurm               (     59229) count:130860 ave_time:713    total_time:93414212
        cartonf             (    762584) count:30471  ave_time:685    total_time:20893673
        cmspilot            (      9201) count:4470   ave_time:674    total_time:3013286
        vuiis_archive_singularity(      9211) count:1548   ave_time:856    total_time:1326078
        root                (         0) count:650    ave_time:58860  total_time:38259148
        autocms             (      9209) count:324    ave_time:16565  total_time:5367114
        lcgadmin            (      9204) count:252    ave_time:835    total_time:210654
        buildbot            (      9206) count:222    ave_time:962    total_time:213779
        uscmslocal          (      9203) count:144    ave_time:700    total_time:100815
        vuiisccidev         (      5010) count:45     ave_time:1179   total_time:53083
        boydb1              (    177470) count:27     ave_time:855    total_time:23100
        vuiis_daily_singularity(      9210) count:27     ave_time:811    total_time:21913
        chenz27             (    747109) count:20     ave_time:267    total_time:5352
        hanl3               (    664085) count:20     ave_time:250    total_time:5011
        liuf8               (    776869) count:18     ave_time:32856  total_time:591412
        jashnsh             (    675240) count:16     ave_time:252    total_time:4045
        ronymw              (    684864) count:16     ave_time:255    total_time:4095
        labellal            (    693461) count:12     ave_time:240    total_time:2886
        vuot2               (    491383) count:12     ave_time:1072   total_time:12869
        vanzod              (    389801) count:11     ave_time:14169  total_time:155865
        masispiderdev       (      5009) count:9      ave_time:850    total_time:7658
        hej4                (    121574) count:8      ave_time:251    total_time:2015
        mahone1             (    754502) count:6      ave_time:958    total_time:5752
        breediml            (    657618) count:4      ave_time:241    total_time:965
        chakrs1             (    338343) count:4      ave_time:259    total_time:1036
        abraha1             (    353983) count:3      ave_time:13927  total_time:41781
        opokubc             (    333903) count:3      ave_time:962    total_time:2887
        ahmedha             (    793676) count:3      ave_time:32885  total_time:98656
Comment 37 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 12:54:30 MST

Do you have any connection flow logs that we could use to see how many connections were being attempted to your slurmctld?

Comment 38 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-07 14:30:26 MST

I have applied the changes you requested to the scheduler configuration. Unfortunately the frequency of the very large processing time warnings has not changed.

Do you have any insight regarding the cause of the under-allocated memory error messages?

As for the connection flow logs, how can we collect them?

Comment 39 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 14:35:36 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #38)
> I have applied the changes you requested to the scheduler configuration.
> Unfortunately the frequency of the very large processing time warnings has
> not changed.
> Do you have any insight regarding the cause of the under-allocated memory
> error messages?
Can you please provide the following output along with your slurmctld logs in debug2 (or higher)?
> sdiag
> sacctmgr show stats

> As for the connection flow logs, how can we collect them?
Usually your firewall or managed switch would collect them. I have used just simple iptables log rules with conntrack to collect them. If you don't already have them then current logs will not be helpful.

Comment 40 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-07 14:55:11 MST
Created attachment 9484 [details]
Comment #38 requested logs
Comment 41 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-07 14:59:13 MST

I have attached the log and output you requested.

As for tracking connections, I am following up with out system administrators right now. Do you have any recommendation on how to set iptables?

Comment 42 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 15:19:40 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #41)
> I have attached the log and output you requested.
I am reviewing them now.

> As for tracking connections, I am following up with out system
> administrators right now. Do you have any recommendation on how to set
> iptables?
This has worked for before:
> iptables -I OUTPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID,NEW,UNTRACKED -m limit --limit 100/sec -j LOG --log-prefix NF-OUTBOUND --log-uid
> iptables -I INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID,NEW,UNTRACKED -m limit --limit 100/sec -j LOG --log-prefix NF-INBOUND --log-uid
> iptables -I FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID,NEW,UNTRACKED -m limit --limit 100/sec -j LOG --log-prefix NF-FWD

These logs would only be useful during the event though. I take it that the event has not happened again?
Comment 43 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-07 15:30:45 MST

No, we have not experienced issues with the inability of Slurm to kill slurmstepd with zombie processes since then. And the causes are still unknown for us.

I still believe it would be helpful to track the connections anyway since it can give additional insights in the future, especially when related to RPC processing.

Comment 44 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 15:34:49 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #43)
> No, we have not experienced issues with the inability of Slurm to kill
> slurmstepd with zombie processes since then. And the causes are still
> unknown for us.
Then I will continue looking at the logs to determine the cause.

> I still believe it would be helpful to track the connections anyway since it
> can give additional insights in the future, especially when related to RPC
> processing.
There will be a performance hit on compute nodes for logging, but it's hard to say how much. Also, may want to make the log-prefix have a space, the copy and paste missed that.
Comment 45 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-07 15:47:50 MST
Oh, so you are suggesting to collect connection logs not only on the controller, but also on the compute nodes?

Comment 46 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 16:16:16 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #45)
> Oh, so you are suggesting to collect connection logs not only on the
> controller, but also on the compute nodes?

The controller logs would be more than sufficient to see how many connections are being attempted. Logs on the compute would tell you how many aren't even reaching the controller.
Comment 49 Nate Rini 2019-03-07 17:05:49 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #38)
> Do you have any insight regarding the cause of the under-allocated memory
> error messages?

Can you please provide the output to these commands:
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6530
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6535
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6543
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6552
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6706
> sacct -lp -j 6951056_6723
> sacct -lp -j 6965971_29
Comment 50 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-08 07:31:16 MST
Created attachment 9491 [details]
sacct output for c49
Comment 55 Nate Rini 2019-03-08 12:58:51 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #50)
> Created attachment 9491 [details]
> sacct output for c49

Can you please provide this output?
> sacctmgr show events Nodes=cn1207,cn436,cn456,cn1388,cn1355,cn1386,cn1216
Comment 62 Nate Rini 2019-03-08 14:07:36 MST
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #55)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #50)
> > Created attachment 9491 [details]
> > sacct output for c49
> Can you please provide this output?
> > sacctmgr show events Nodes=cn1207,cn436,cn456,cn1388,cn1355,cn1386,cn1216

And your qos setting:
> sacctmgr show -p qos
Comment 63 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-08 14:21:11 MST
Here is the output you requested.

$ sacctmgr -p show events Nodes=cn1207,cn436,cn456,cn1388,cn1355,cn1386,cn1216
vampire|cn1355|2019-03-06T19:32:35|2019-03-07T13:07:01|DOWN|Node unexpectedly rebooted|slurm(59229)|

$ sacctmgr show -p qos
Comment 68 Nate Rini 2019-03-08 16:59:55 MST
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #63)
> Here is the output you requested.

Is it possible to run gdb or apply a test patch to your slurmctld?
Comment 69 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-09 06:00:23 MST

This is running in production, so it is always tricky to apply patches. Would the patch be limited to slurmctld or also slurmd?
Also let me know how you would like me to trace Slurm with GDB.

Comment 74 Nate Rini 2019-03-11 14:32:05 MDT
Created attachment 9520 [details]
debug patch

(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #69)
> This is running in production, so it is always tricky to apply patches.
I have attached a patch that we can try if you get an outage in the near future. My attempts to replicate your issue have not worked yet.

> Would the patch be limited to slurmctld or also slurmd?
The memory issue is limited to slurmctld. The thundering herd issue of job updates is likely both but I'm limiting this to one issue at a time.

> Also let me know how you would like me to trace Slurm with GDB.
I rather avoid that with a production system if we can. Can you please watch the logs and then do this command against any job that causes a under-allocated or over-allocated memory error before the job is pushed to slurmdbd?
> scontrol show job $JOBID
Comment 76 Nate Rini 2019-03-11 16:45:21 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #2)
> Created attachment 9438 [details]
> slurmctld log

Looking over the logs from the outage, it appears your cluster has the ideal use case for aggregated messaging. I have been able to partially recreate your issue by loading a pile of array jobs and then killing slurmctld. Slurmctld tried to terminate the jobs after recovering its state which caused a huge flood of step completion RPCs.

Please try setting the following your slurm.conf during your next outage:
> MsgAggregationParams=WindowMsgs=10,WindowTime=100
> TreeWidth=75

We may need to tweak these numbers depending on how the number of steps running at any one time.

Here is a presentation about Message Aggregation:
> https://slurm.schedmd.com/SLUG15/Message_Aggregation.pdf
Comment 77 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-12 11:03:21 MDT

I will work on patching the slurmctld as soon as possible.

As for the message aggregation, from your message I infer that this should be only an "emergency" measure when the controller cannot manage all the coming RPC. Is this correct or is this something that can be left in the configuration independently on the state of the controller? What is the downside of this last option?

Comment 78 Nate Rini 2019-03-12 14:27:03 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #77)
> As for the message aggregation, from your message I infer that this should
> be only an "emergency" measure when the controller cannot manage all the
> coming RPC.
This is a long term configuration change for your cluster. All the Slurm daemons will need to be restarted. I managed to replicate your issue by submitting a large number of array jobs with good number of steps, then restarting slurmctld. If you kill (or if your policy auto kills the jobs) the jobs while it's still starting up, then the issue will most likely trigger.

> What is the downside of this last option?
Slurm will use slurmd daemons to aggregate updates to slurmctld. If you constantly lose slurmd daemons (pls open ticket if you do), then this will cause delays in updates. There will be increase in latency for the aggregated RPCs but we should be able to tweak the settings to make that minimal. You may want to setup RoutePlugin if your management network is not flat. I strongly suggest testing this setup before deploying to production, but several other sites are already using it in production. It can also be turned off with a config change and a daemon restart if there are issues.
Comment 79 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 11:19:10 MDT

I have turned on message aggregation and it does not seem to have improved the situation. To ensure the configuration is correctly propagated, after pushing the changes to slurm.conf I have executed an scontrol shutdown, restarted all slurmd and then restarted the slurmctld. 

The first thing to notice is the continuous appearance of many of those messages in the slurmctld log:

> error: Munge decode failed: Replayed credential
> ENCODED: Mon Mar 18 12:07:52 2019
> DECODED: Mon Mar 18 12:07:53 2019
> error: authentication: Replayed credential

However munge is correctly configured and the controller can communicate fine with the slurmd deamons. No unusual messages are present in the slurmd logs.

The following messages are present with the same frequency as before:

> Warning: Note very large processing time from _slurm_rpc_dump_jobs: usec=6323180 began=12:18:09.865

> backfill: continuing to yield locks, 54 RPCs pending

Comment 80 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 11:36:14 MDT
The other problem is that since 10:48am no job has been started on the cluster by Slurm according to the controller logs. At that same time we observed an increase on the GPFS disk wait times whose cause is not yet clear to us. Although the correlation seem to be pretty high, our Slurm setup is completely decoupled from the parallel filesystem. The controllers do not mount it, the database is in a dedicated hard drive and all the Slurm components are installed in the local drives with the OS. This was done to avoid the parallel filesystem performance issues to affect Slurm but for some reason we still see this type of events correlation.

For completeness I have attached the latest output of sdiag.

Comment 81 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 11:36:49 MDT
Created attachment 9597 [details]
sdiag output - Comment #80
Comment 82 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 11:52:47 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #80)
> The other problem is that since 10:48am no job has been started on the
> cluster by Slurm according to the controller logs.

Please turn off the message aggregation and attach slurmctld logs and at least one node's logs.
Comment 83 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 12:14:39 MDT
Ok, another update. I have reverted the changes and the scheduler still does not start any job. It accepts new job submissions and correctly keeps track of currently running job but no new job is started on the cluster.

Another thing that came out in the log is the following messages related to two nodes currently drained with hardware issues:

> error: Node cn402 has low real_memory size (64216 < 128714)
> error: _slurm_rpc_node_registration node=cn402: Invalid argument
> error: Node cn463 has low real_memory size (64216 < 128714)
> error: _slurm_rpc_node_registration node=cn463: Invalid argument

I have raised the importance of this ticket since it is paramount that we understand and fix why Slurm is not starting any new job.

Comment 84 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 12:16:51 MDT
Created attachment 9599 [details]
slurmctld log - Comment #82
Comment 85 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 12:18:44 MDT
Created attachment 9600 [details]
slurmd log - Comment #82
Comment 86 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 12:21:46 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #81)
> Created attachment 9597 [details]
> sdiag output - Comment #80

> Jobs submitted: 672
> Jobs started:   0
> Jobs completed: 126
> Jobs canceled:  115
Are you explicitly cancelling these jobs?
> Jobs failed:    0

(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #83)
> Ok, another update. I have reverted the changes and the scheduler still does
> not start any job. It accepts new job submissions and correctly keeps track
> of currently running job but no new job is started on the cluster.
Did you sync slurm.conf and restart all Slurm daemons?

> Another thing that came out in the log is the following messages related to
> two nodes currently drained with hardware issues:
> > error: Node cn402 has low real_memory size (64216 < 128714)
> > error: _slurm_rpc_node_registration node=cn402: Invalid argument
> > error: Node cn463 has low real_memory size (64216 < 128714)
> > error: _slurm_rpc_node_registration node=cn463: Invalid argument
Can you please verify all the node memory is showing on those nodes with 'slurmd -C' and 'free -h'? Some memory DIMMs may have died during a reboot.

> I have raised the importance of this ticket since it is paramount that we
> understand and fix why Slurm is not starting any new job.
Looking at your logs now.
Comment 87 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 12:27:20 MDT
> Are you explicitly cancelling these jobs?

Not me but users might be doing it.

> Did you sync slurm.conf and restart all Slurm daemons?

Yes. As before I went through a full slurm.conf sync, scontrol shutdown, slurmd restart, slurmctld restart. In this order.

> Can you please verify all the node memory is showing on those nodes with
> 'slurmd -C' and 'free -h'? Some memory DIMMs may have died during a reboot.

Yes, those nodes have been set as down last week for memory issues. So why is Slurm showing those error messages only now?
Comment 88 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 12:35:51 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #86)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #81)
> Looking at your logs now.

>[2019-03-17T05:26:56.884] [7177337.batch] error: couldn't chdir to `/var/lib/condor-ce/spool/7100/0/cluster3037100.proc0.subproc0': No such file or directory: going to /tmp instead
Is this a network FS? Can you please verify your filesystem the mounted?

> [2019-03-18T12:03:35.136] [7174618.batch] error: *** JOB 7174618 ON cn1424 CANCELLED AT 2019-03-18T12:03:35 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***
Can you please verify how many nodes have time limit cancel message? This may explain all the cancelled jobs.

> [2019-03-18T11:57:40.274] error: Munge decode failed: Replayed credential
> [2019-03-18T11:57:40.274] ENCODED: Mon Mar 18 11:57:39 2019
> [2019-03-18T11:57:40.274] DECODED: Mon Mar 18 11:57:40 2019
I suspect the slurmstepd and slurmd are out of sync causing this. Can you please call 'remunge' on all of your nodes.

Can you please provide the output of the following commands:
> sinfo -Nel
> sinfo --list-reasons
> scontrol show jobs
> scontrol show partitions
> scontrol show config
> sacctmgr show stat
> sdiag #again please

Is it possible to gcore your slurmctld and attach 'apply thread all bt full' and 'apply thread all bt'?

(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #87)
> > Are you explicitly cancelling these jobs?
> Not me but users might be doing it.
Might be jobs dieing from wall clock as noted above. Are you seeing any filesystem hangs?

> > Did you sync slurm.conf and restart all Slurm daemons?
> Yes. As before I went through a full slurm.conf sync, scontrol shutdown,
> slurmd restart, slurmctld restart. In this order.
That is correct.
> > Can you please verify all the node memory is showing on those nodes with
> > 'slurmd -C' and 'free -h'? Some memory DIMMs may have died during a reboot.
> Yes, those nodes have been set as down last week for memory issues. So why
> is Slurm showing those error messages only now?
The slurmd daemon may have restarted on those nodes. Stopping the daemon should stop those errors while hardware repairs are outstanding.
Comment 89 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 12:46:01 MDT
Can you please add this to your slurm.conf:
> DebugFlags=Backfill,SelectType
> SlurmctldDebug=debug4

Please let if run for at least 10mins and then upload the logs and reverse the settings.
Comment 91 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 12:54:28 MDT
> [2019-03-18T03:45:57.245] error: Node ng1003 appears to have a different slurm.conf than the slurmctld.  This could cause issues with communication and functionality.  Please review both files and make sure they are the same.  If this is expected ignore, and set DebugFlags=NO_CONF_HASH in your slurm.conf.

Please check that slurm.conf is synced on ng1003.
Comment 92 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 13:02:57 MDT
> 2019-03-18T13:12:35.563] Warning: Note very large processing time from _slurm_rpc_node_registration: usec=4738232 began=13:12:30.825

It took 80mins to register a node. Please see if you can get gcore from slurmctld, I'm concerned the cluster managed to find a deadlock or real lock starvation since this registration should be very fast.

Can you also please restart slurmdbd and attach its logs.
Comment 93 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 14:28:48 MDT
> Is this a network FS? Can you please verify your filesystem the mounted?

Yes, that is an NFS mount. 

> Can you please verify how many nodes have time limit cancel message? This
> may explain all the cancelled jobs.

I cannot parse through all the compute nodes log, but according to the Slurm database there has been 132 timeouts on 106 nodes. I do not see anything suspicious in those jobs. Do you?

> I suspect the slurmstepd and slurmd are out of sync causing this. Can you
> please call 'remunge' on all of your nodes.

After I removed the message aggregation the error disappeared.

> sinfo -Nel
> > sinfo --list-reasons
> > scontrol show jobs
> > scontrol show partitions
> > scontrol show config
> > sacctmgr show stat
> > sdiag #again please

See attached.

> Is it possible to gcore your slurmctld and attach 'apply thread all bt full'
> and 'apply thread all bt'?

> Might be jobs dieing from wall clock as noted above. Are you seeing any
> filesystem hangs?

No, the filesystem seems ok.
Comment 94 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 14:29:35 MDT
Created attachment 9603 [details]
Output files - Comment #88
Comment 95 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:00:15 MDT
The slurmctld logs (from before) show that the jobs are not starting due to the nodes being busy which is shouldn't happen since the machine is using max wallclocks. I see a lot of running jobs, can you please provide another sdiag output?

> ryderkh         (  483404) count:17084  ave_time:1282640 total_time:21912629526
Can you please check if this user is doing something to query slurm alot? Maybe calling scontrol show jobs?
Comment 96 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 15:00:26 MDT
Created attachment 9605 [details]
GDB slurmctld
Comment 99 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:08:23 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #96)
> Created attachment 9605 [details]
> GDB slurmctld

If possible, can you please grab another bt dump? All the threads are waiting for something to happen. I want to see if that changes or there is just a deadlock.
Comment 100 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:15:09 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #99)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #96)
> > Created attachment 9605 [details]
> > GDB slurmctld
> If possible, can you please grab another bt dump? All the threads are
> waiting for something to happen. I want to see if that changes or there is
> just a deadlock.

Can you also please provide this output:
> slurmctld -V
The line numbers in the backtrace are not matching the lines in the source.
Comment 101 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 15:15:58 MDT
Created attachment 9606 [details]
slurmdbd logs
Comment 102 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 15:17:45 MDT

The problem is that keepalived triggered a failover to the secondary controller and this caused a restart of both slurmctld and slurmdbd. This is why I attached two logs for slurmdbd, one per controller.
I will generate another dump, but this is clearly not the same execution instance as the previous one.
Comment 103 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:19:17 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #101)
> Created attachment 9606 [details]
> slurmdbd logs

I suggest fixing the permissions on this file to avoid running duplicate slurmdbd:
> [2019-03-18T15:46:37.190] Unable to remove pidfile '/var/run/slurmdbd.pid': Permission denied
Comment 104 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:22:07 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #101)
> Created attachment 9606 [details]
> slurmdbd logs

Can we turn up the logging on slurmdbd? It is getting a new persistent connection about every second, which it should be once per slurmctld startup normally.
> DebugFlags=DB_QUERY
> DebugLevel=debug3
Comment 105 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:23:33 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #102)
> I will generate another dump, but this is clearly not the same execution
> instance as the previous one.
That will work. It will tell us if the locks change formation.
Comment 106 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:28:57 MDT
Can you also provide this from mysql (or mariadb)?

> mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "max_connections";
> mysql> show status where `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected';
> mysql> show processlist;
Comment 107 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 15:46:36 MDT
The owner of the pid file is slurm and the permissions seem ok to me. Can you please confirm?

> # ll /var/run/slurm*
> -rw-r--r-- 1 slurm root 7 Mar 18 15:46 /var/run/slurmctld.pid
> -rw-r--r-- 1 slurm root 7 Mar 18 15:46 /var/run/slurmdbd.pid
Comment 108 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 15:54:09 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #107)
> The owner of the pid file is slurm and the permissions seem ok to me. Can
> you please confirm?
> > # ll /var/run/slurm*
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 slurm root 7 Mar 18 15:46 /var/run/slurmctld.pid
> > -rw-r--r-- 1 slurm root 7 Mar 18 15:46 /var/run/slurmdbd.pid

Slurm is calling unlink(), which requires write permissions to /var/run/ which is probably not ideal. This can be ignored or you can put the pids in a writable by slurm subdir.
Comment 109 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:00:44 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #104)
> Can we turn up the logging on slurmdbd? It is getting a new persistent
> connection about every second, which it should be once per slurmctld startup
> normally.
> > DebugFlags=DB_QUERY
> > DebugLevel=debug3

We will also want in the slurm.conf:
DebugFlags += Protocol
Along with the slurmctld logs requested earlier. I would really like to know why it is connecting so much.

Have any jobs started? Can we get an sdiag output too please.
Comment 110 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 16:01:46 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #95)
> The slurmctld logs (from before) show that the jobs are not starting due to
> the nodes being busy which is shouldn't happen since the machine is using
> max wallclocks. I see a lot of running jobs, can you please provide another
> sdiag output?

$ sdiag
sdiag output at Mon Mar 18 17:01:08 2019 (1552946468)
Data since      Mon Mar 18 16:57:20 2019 (1552946240)
Server thread count:  23
Agent queue size:     1
Agent count:          2
DBD Agent queue size: 0

Jobs submitted: 342
Jobs started:   3
Jobs completed: 74
Jobs canceled:  5
Jobs failed:    0

Job states ts:  Mon Mar 18 17:00:54 2019 (1552946454)
Jobs pending:   11722
Jobs running:   2558

Main schedule statistics (microseconds):
        Last cycle:   1810115
        Max cycle:    2156795
        Total cycles: 83
        Mean cycle:   1731276
        Mean depth cycle:  32
        Cycles per minute: 27
        Last queue length: 3232

Backfilling stats (WARNING: data obtained in the middle of backfilling execution.)
        Total backfilled jobs (since last slurm start): 0
        Total backfilled jobs (since last stats cycle start): 0
        Total backfilled heterogeneous job components: 0
        Total cycles: 0
        Last cycle when: Mon Mar 18 16:59:18 2019 (1552946358)
        Last cycle: 0
        Max cycle:  0
        Last depth cycle: 11
        Last depth cycle (try sched): 11
        Last queue length: 3173

Latency for gettimeofday() (x1000): 47 microseconds

Remote Procedure Call statistics by message type
        REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO                  ( 2009) count:1744   ave_time:185    total_time:323016
        MESSAGE_NODE_REGISTRATION_STATUS        ( 1002) count:1010   ave_time:987983 total_time:997863713
        REQUEST_FED_INFO                        ( 2049) count:438    ave_time:230    total_time:100988
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO_SINGLE                 ( 2021) count:310    ave_time:22559035 total_time:6993301150
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO                        ( 2003) count:294    ave_time:15851692 total_time:4660397516
        REQUEST_SUBMIT_BATCH_JOB                ( 4003) count:103    ave_time:18513349 total_time:1906875028
        REQUEST_NODE_INFO                       ( 2007) count:95     ave_time:300822 total_time:28578181
        MESSAGE_EPILOG_COMPLETE                 ( 6012) count:81     ave_time:8596564 total_time:696321709
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT           ( 5018) count:76     ave_time:4699468 total_time:357159582
        REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE                   ( 5016) count:73     ave_time:3037651 total_time:221748594
        REQUEST_JOB_USER_INFO                   ( 2039) count:45     ave_time:9203369 total_time:414151635
        REQUEST_KILL_JOB                        ( 5032) count:15     ave_time:7983448 total_time:119751723
        REQUEST_PING                            ( 1008) count:8      ave_time:186    total_time:1491
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_PROLOG                 ( 6018) count:3      ave_time:740550 total_time:2221650
        REQUEST_STATS_INFO                      ( 2035) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0

Remote Procedure Call statistics by user
        root            (       0) count:2756   ave_time:869957 total_time:2397601783
        cmspilot        (    9201) count:812    ave_time:12851420 total_time:10435353709
        ronymw          (  684864) count:112    ave_time:5575520 total_time:624458280
        cmslocal        (    9202) count:93     ave_time:5336246 total_time:496270965
        cartonf         (  762584) count:77     ave_time:6112492 total_time:470661922
        mcarthe         (  515423) count:74     ave_time:4005532 total_time:296409387
        wangj57         (  674623) count:70     ave_time:2286312 total_time:160041846
        smithmb3        (  527620) count:40     ave_time:5042051 total_time:201682040
        suarezm         (  715880) count:39     ave_time:3962171 total_time:154524690
        reasatt         (  765549) count:39     ave_time:4034097 total_time:157329808
        nandaa          (  780085) count:34     ave_time:4680525 total_time:159137864
        ahmedha         (  793676) count:28     ave_time:5623322 total_time:157453037
        steenwj         (  481000) count:23     ave_time:4010442 total_time:92240180
        polikoh         (  176539) count:21     ave_time:4864118 total_time:102146479
        xul13           (  764176) count:17     ave_time:12743013 total_time:216631226
        boydb1          (  177470) count:17     ave_time:1027350 total_time:17464950
        zhoud2          (  743703) count:12     ave_time:3375693 total_time:40508321
        santore         (  780819) count:10     ave_time:2555900 total_time:25559007
        uscmslocal      (    9203) count:9      ave_time:12382747 total_time:111444724
        larsonke        (  645142) count:7      ave_time:4434266 total_time:31039863
        kochenma        (  154990) count:3      ave_time:16945146 total_time:50835440
        vuiis_daily_singularity(    9210) count:1      ave_time:220    total_time:220
        vuiis_archive_singularity(    9211) count:1      ave_time:235    total_time:235
        vanzod          (  389801) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0

Pending RPC statistics
        REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                   ( 6011) count:1     

Pending RPCs
         1: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1278

> Can you please check if this user is doing something to query slurm alot?
> Maybe calling scontrol show jobs?

The user had 52 Perl scripts that were somehow querying Slurm. We killed all the running processes related to this script.
Comment 111 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 16:05:45 MDT
Created attachment 9607 [details]
GD - Comment #100
Comment 112 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 16:06:33 MDT
> If possible, can you please grab another bt dump? All the threads are
> waiting for something to happen. I want to see if that changes or there is
> just a deadlock.

See attached.

> Can you also please provide this output:
> > slurmctld -V
> The line numbers in the backtrace are not matching the lines in the source.

# slurmctld -V
slurm 18.08.4
Comment 113 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 16:16:10 MDT
Created attachment 9608 [details]
MariaDB output
Comment 114 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:21:05 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #110)
> > Can you please check if this user is doing something to query slurm alot?
> > Maybe calling scontrol show jobs?
> The user had 52 Perl scripts that were somehow querying Slurm. We killed all
> the running processes related to this script.

Each one of those RPCs grabs a read only lock which can slow down everything depending on what was being queried.
Comment 116 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 16:24:15 MDT
> We will also want in the slurm.conf:
> DebugFlags += Protocol
> Along with the slurmctld logs requested earlier. I would really like to know
> why it is connecting so much.

Can you please confirm that those are the settings you are requesting?

Comment 117 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:24:58 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #116)
> > We will also want in the slurm.conf:
> > DebugFlags += Protocol
> > Along with the slurmctld logs requested earlier. I would really like to know
> > why it is connecting so much.
> Can you please confirm that those are the settings you are requesting?
> DebugFlags=DB_QUERY,Protocol
> DebugLevel=debug3

Yes for slurmdbd.conf
Comment 118 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:25:49 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #117)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #116)
> > > We will also want in the slurm.conf:
> > > DebugFlags += Protocol
> > > Along with the slurmctld logs requested earlier. I would really like to know
> > > why it is connecting so much.
> > 
> > Can you please confirm that those are the settings you are requesting?
> > 
> > DebugFlags=DB_QUERY,Protocol
> > DebugLevel=debug3
> Yes for slurmdbd.conf


> > DebugFlags=DB_QUERY
> > DebugLevel=debug3

Add Protocol to DebugFlags
Comment 119 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:37:39 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #118)
> Slurm.conf:
> Add Protocol to DebugFlags

In case it is confusing, please set this in slurm.conf:
> DebugFlags=Backfill,Protocol
> SlurmctldDebug=debug3
Comment 120 Nate Rini 2019-03-18 16:45:39 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #110)
> The user had 52 Perl scripts that were somehow querying Slurm. We killed all
> the running processes related to this script.

Can you please check this user too?

> cartonf             (    762584) count:351399 ave_time:786    total_time:276480878
Comment 122 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 17:46:03 MDT

The user only had a couple of watch processes that were pinging squeue.

Attached you can find the slurmdbd and slurmctld with increased verbosity.
Comment 123 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-18 17:47:41 MDT
Created attachment 9609 [details]
Slurm logs - Commen #119
Comment 124 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 07:27:07 MDT
Good morning. Today the issue of failed attempts at terminating jobs reappeared again. We had to manually kill all the stuck slurmstepd processes to get the controller back in a more responsive state.
Comment 125 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 07:45:44 MDT
Created attachment 9617 [details]
slurmctld log - Comment #124
Comment 126 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 07:46:02 MDT
sdiag output at Tue Mar 19 08:45:45 2019 (1553003145)
Data since      Tue Mar 19 08:41:31 2019 (1553002891)
Server thread count:  125
Agent queue size:     566
Agent count:          1
DBD Agent queue size: 0

Jobs submitted: 2582
Jobs started:   67
Jobs completed: 15
Jobs canceled:  1
Jobs failed:    0

Job states ts:  Tue Mar 19 08:45:43 2019 (1553003143)
Jobs pending:   21029
Jobs running:   2631

Main schedule statistics (microseconds):
        Last cycle:   285357
        Max cycle:    2203201
        Total cycles: 584
        Mean cycle:   425961
        Mean depth cycle:  94
        Cycles per minute: 146
        Last queue length: 5124

Backfilling stats (WARNING: data obtained in the middle of backfilling execution.)
        Total backfilled jobs (since last slurm start): 0
        Total backfilled jobs (since last stats cycle start): 0
        Total backfilled heterogeneous job components: 0
        Total cycles: 0
        Last cycle when: Tue Mar 19 08:43:29 2019 (1553003009)
        Last cycle: 0
        Max cycle:  0
        Last depth cycle: 6
        Last depth cycle (try sched): 6
        Last queue length: 5095

Latency for gettimeofday() (x1000): 62 microseconds

Remote Procedure Call statistics by message type
        REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO                  ( 2009) count:2997   ave_time:174    total_time:524289
        MESSAGE_NODE_REGISTRATION_STATUS        ( 1002) count:747    ave_time:276729 total_time:206717228
        REQUEST_STEP_COMPLETE                   ( 5016) count:709    ave_time:10940057 total_time:7756500748
        MESSAGE_EPILOG_COMPLETE                 ( 6012) count:677    ave_time:10063120 total_time:6812732789
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_BATCH_SCRIPT           ( 5018) count:624    ave_time:44500618 total_time:27768385782
        REQUEST_FED_INFO                        ( 2049) count:324    ave_time:289    total_time:93799
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO_SINGLE                 ( 2021) count:217    ave_time:4119863 total_time:894010430
        REQUEST_JOB_INFO                        ( 2003) count:147    ave_time:8322547 total_time:1223414458
        REQUEST_SUBMIT_BATCH_JOB                ( 4003) count:84     ave_time:12051053 total_time:1012288534
        REQUEST_JOB_USER_INFO                   ( 2039) count:22     ave_time:4103390 total_time:90274601
        REQUEST_COMPLETE_PROLOG                 ( 6018) count:16     ave_time:337145 total_time:5394334
        REQUEST_NODE_INFO                       ( 2007) count:13     ave_time:656006 total_time:8528081
        REQUEST_KILL_JOB                        ( 5032) count:1      ave_time:44049166 total_time:44049166
        REQUEST_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL                 ( 1010) count:1      ave_time:40283901 total_time:40283901
        REQUEST_STATS_INFO                      ( 2035) count:0      ave_time:0      total_time:0

Remote Procedure Call statistics by user
        root            (       0) count:5550   ave_time:7691721 total_time:42689053217
        vuiisccidev     (    5010) count:262    ave_time:1943637 total_time:509233090
        vuiis_archive_singularity(    9211) count:255    ave_time:862750 total_time:220001402
        cmspilot        (    9201) count:144    ave_time:10075294 total_time:1450842374
        ronymw          (  684864) count:132    ave_time:2639717 total_time:348442722
        wangj57         (  674623) count:82     ave_time:1780659 total_time:146014048
        reasatt         (  765549) count:44     ave_time:1519411 total_time:66854125
        smithmb3        (  527620) count:44     ave_time:2562072 total_time:112731195
        cmslocal        (    9202) count:30     ave_time:6093371 total_time:182801157
        ozgunka         (  501421) count:10     ave_time:5713203 total_time:57132033
        autocms         (    9209) count:10     ave_time:1239882 total_time:12398827
        boydb1          (  177470) count:6      ave_time:2012292 total_time:12073753
        schildjs        (   68906) count:5      ave_time:10915575 total_time:54577877
        masapps         (  789320) count:3      ave_time:10341  total_time:31024
        lcgadmin        (    9204) count:1      ave_time:450791 total_time:450791
        fengl           (  672091) count:1      ave_time:560505 total_time:560505

Pending RPC statistics
        REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                   ( 6011) count:452   
        REQUEST_LAUNCH_PROLOG                   ( 6017) count:55    
        REQUEST_BATCH_JOB_LAUNCH                ( 4005) count:55    
        SRUN_STEP_MISSING                       ( 7007) count:3     
        REQUEST_NODE_REGISTRATION_STATUS        ( 1001) count:1     

Pending RPCs
         1: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn349
         2: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn349
         3: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn349
         4: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn349
         5: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn352
         6: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn352
         7: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn352
         8: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn352
         9: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn390
        10: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn390
        11: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn390
        12: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1092
        13: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn430
        14: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn913
        15: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn215
        16: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1088
        17: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1087
        18: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1088
        19: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1081
        20: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1081
        21: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn463
        22: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1081
        23: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn205
        24: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1083
        25: REQUEST_TERMINATE_JOB                cn1081
Comment 127 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 08:49:10 MDT

Could the parameters below that we changed last week may be at play here?

> batch_sched_delay=10
> sched_max_job_start=200
> max_rpc_cnt=400
Comment 128 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 09:23:18 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #127)
> Nate,
> Could the parameters below that we changed last week may be at play here?
> > batch_sched_delay=10
> > sched_max_job_start=200
> > max_rpc_cnt=400

Yes, lets lower this one:
> max_rpc_cnt=150

It should make the slurmctld more responsive to the job completions RPCs.
Comment 129 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 09:39:16 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #128)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #127)
> > Nate,
> > 
> > Could the parameters below that we changed last week may be at play here?
> > 
> > > batch_sched_delay=10
> > > sched_max_job_start=200
> > > max_rpc_cnt=400
> Yes, lets lower this one:
> > max_rpc_cnt=150
> It should make the slurmctld more responsive to the job completions RPCs.

We can also consider adding 'defer', which will stop the scheduler running immediately on job submission, which should also help with lock contention. It will result in interactive jobs potentially starting slightly slower, so I suggest testing this change to make sure the interactive start latency is acceptable.
Comment 130 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 09:42:48 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #128)
> Yes, lets lower this one:
> > max_rpc_cnt=150
> It should make the slurmctld more responsive to the job completions RPCs.

My worry is that this would worsen the responsiveness to commands like squeue and sbatch. We are still experiencing socket timeout errors with max_rpc_cnt=400. Would you still recommend to lower it to 150?
Comment 131 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 09:48:07 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #130)
> (In reply to Nate Rini from comment #128)
> > Yes, lets lower this one:
> > > max_rpc_cnt=150
> > 
> > It should make the slurmctld more responsive to the job completions RPCs.
> My worry is that this would worsen the responsiveness to commands like
> squeue and sbatch. We are still experiencing socket timeout errors with
> max_rpc_cnt=400. Would you still recommend to lower it to 150?

This config will cause the scheduler to defer running while there are more than 150 active RPCs being processed. It should not cause new RPCs to be rejected.
Comment 132 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 10:00:09 MDT
Which host is
Comment 133 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 10:08:15 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #132)
> Which host is

It is ce4.vampire and it is one of the CMS compute elements that are in charge of interfacing our scheduler with their scheduler. It takes care of scheduling and monitoring jobs on the cluster. It is not unusual to have high traffic from them since CMS is the biggest user of our cluster.
Comment 134 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 10:11:59 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #125)
> Created attachment 9617 [details]
> slurmctld log - Comment #124

Please make sure to turn your log level back down if you haven't already, that log level will slow down Slurm considerably.
Comment 135 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 10:20:43 MDT
Oh yeah. I turned the verbosity up only for 10 minutes until I had to restart the controller. The debug level is now back to verbose.
Comment 136 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 10:49:17 MDT
After reducing max_rpc_cnt to 150 the responsiveness of the controller is good (no timeouts for now) and I see the jobs being started from the log. So everything seems pretty good for now.
Still a lot of very large processing time warnings are present in the log. Ideas?
Comment 137 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 11:03:15 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #136)
> After reducing max_rpc_cnt to 150 the responsiveness of the controller is
> good (no timeouts for now) and I see the jobs being started from the log. So
> everything seems pretty good for now.
> Still a lot of very large processing time warnings are present in the log.
> Ideas?

Yes, we will work on that too. I'm still going through your logs now. Did you attach the debug logs for slurmdbd? I don't see any debug messages from the one just attached.
Comment 139 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 12:11:18 MDT
(In reply to Nate Rini from comment #137)
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #136)
> > After reducing max_rpc_cnt to 150 the responsiveness of the controller is
> > good (no timeouts for now) and I see the jobs being started from the log. So
> > everything seems pretty good for now.
> > Still a lot of very large processing time warnings are present in the log.
> > Ideas?
> Yes, we will work on that too. I'm still going through your logs now. Did
> you attach the debug logs for slurmdbd? I don't see any debug messages from
> the one just attached.

Can you also please attach your current slurm.conf and the slurmctld logs, and another sdiag.
Comment 140 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 12:30:13 MDT
> Yes, we will work on that too. I'm still going through your logs now. Did
> you attach the debug logs for slurmdbd? I don't see any debug messages from
> the one just attached.

The slurmdbd logs with increased verbosity are in the Slurm logs - Commen #119 attachment. I will attach a more recent log with standard verbosity right now.
Comment 141 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 12:38:19 MDT
Created attachment 9621 [details]
conf + logs - Comment #139
Comment 142 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 13:03:49 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #141)
> Created attachment 9621 [details]
> conf + logs - Comment #139

This is looking significantly better:
> Jobs submitted: 2702
> Jobs started:   1148
> Jobs failed:    0

> [2019-03-19T13:29:59.044] debug:  REQUEST_PERSIST_INIT: CLUSTER:vampire VERSION:8448 UID:762584 IP: CONN:13
> [2019-03-19T13:30:00.167] debug:  REQUEST_PERSIST_INIT: CLUSTER:vampire VERSION:8448 UID:762584 IP: CONN:11
> [2019-03-19T13:30:01.288] debug:  REQUEST_PERSIST_INIT: CLUSTER:vampire VERSION:8448 UID:762584 IP: CONN:13
Which host is This host is opening a new connection to slurmdbd almost every second. Is there a user running sacctmgr or sacct with it in a loop?

Can we add/modify the following to SchedulerParameters in slurm.conf
> defer
> bf_max_job_test=4000 -> bf_max_job_test=2000
> partition_job_depth=750

We may also need to increase bf_resolution. From the logs, looks like it is just trying to compute too many jobs at once and the locks are starving.
Comment 143 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 13:14:46 MDT
> Which host is This host is opening a new connection to slurmdbd
> almost every second. Is there a user running sacctmgr or sacct with it in a
> loop?

That is one of our cluster gateways. We do not have anything on them querying sacct from there, so it is definitely some user process. Is there any way to pinpoint the source?

> Can we add/modify the following to SchedulerParameters in slurm.conf
> > defer
> > bf_max_job_test=4000 -> bf_max_job_test=2000
> > partition_job_depth=750
> We may also need to increase bf_resolution. From the logs, looks like it is
> just trying to compute too many jobs at once and the locks are starving.

I will go ahead and modify those parameters. What value would you think is reasonable for bf_resolution?
Comment 144 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 13:38:21 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #143)
> > Which host is This host is opening a new connection to slurmdbd
> > almost every second. Is there a user running sacctmgr or sacct with it in a
> > loop?
> That is one of our cluster gateways. We do not have anything on them
> querying sacct from there, so it is definitely some user process. Is there
> any way to pinpoint the source?
Should be this user (UID:762584):
> getent passwd 762584

> > Can we add/modify the following to SchedulerParameters in slurm.conf
> > > defer
> > > bf_max_job_test=4000 -> bf_max_job_test=2000
> > > partition_job_depth=750
> > 
> > We may also need to increase bf_resolution. From the logs, looks like it is
> > just trying to compute too many jobs at once and the locks are starving.
> I will go ahead and modify those parameters. What value would you think is
> reasonable for bf_resolution?
Looks like 600 is the max suggested per #6681. We can instead try to increase bf_max_time to 150.

Please attach slurmctld logs and sdiag output after the changes have been applied.
Comment 145 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 13:52:00 MDT
> Should be this user (UID:762584):

He has a couple of watch processes on that gateway that call sacct and squeue once every 10 seconds. Other then that he does not have much else that queries the database. I would be very surprised if this is causing Slurm to overload.

> Looks like 600 is the max suggested per #6681. We can instead try to
> increase bf_max_time to 150.
> Please attach slurmctld logs and sdiag output after the changes have been
> applied.

I will sure do.
Comment 146 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 14:30:08 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #145)
> He has a couple of watch processes on that gateway that call sacct and
> squeue once every 10 seconds. Other then that he does not have much else
> that queries the database. I would be very surprised if this is causing
> Slurm to overload.

I suggest decreasing the call frequency, but this should not be dragging Slurm to a halt either. Since your system is having issues, I want to make sure everything is checked.
Comment 147 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-19 14:58:05 MDT
Created attachment 9624 [details]
Comment #144 requested logs
Comment 149 Nate Rini 2019-03-19 16:01:03 MDT
> (In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #147)
> > Created attachment 9624 [details]
> > Comment #144 requested logs
> [2019-03-19T15:47:26.480] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurmctld_background: usec=5989246 began=15:47:20.491
> [2019-03-19T15:47:26.488] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurm_rpc_dump_job_user: usec=5841023 began=15:47:20.647
> [2019-03-19T15:47:26.488] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurm_rpc_dump_job_user: usec=5871075 began=15:47:20.617
usec=5871075 => 5.8s

> [2019-03-19T15:46:46.899] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurm_rpc_dump_nodes: usec=3465309 began=15:46:43.433
> [2019-03-19T15:46:46.944] Warning: Note very large processing time from
> _slurm_rpc_dump_jobs: usec=3229292 began=15:46:43.715
usec=3229292 => 3.2sec

We can try setting these in SchedulerParameters:
> bf_yield_sleep=1500000
> bf_yield_interval=550000
Full explanation is in Bug#6688 comment 6. We may need to tweak it more. Please attach logs after it has been set.

> [2019-03-19T15:16:32.632] error: gres/gpu: job 7187275 dealloc node gpu0020
> topo gres count underflow (1 2)
> [2019-03-19T15:16:32.632] error: gres/gpu: job 7187277 dealloc node gpu0016
> topo gres count underflow (1 2)
> [2019-03-19T15:16:32.634] error: gres/gpu: job 7187275 dealloc node gpu0020
> topo gres count underflow (1 2)
> [2019-03-19T15:16:32.634] error: gres/gpu: job 7187277 dealloc node gpu0016
> topo gres count underflow (1 2)
Can you please open another ticket on this?

> Jobs started:   415
> Total backfilled jobs (since last slurm start): 349
Looks like backfill is starting majority of jobs. Can you please provide another set of sdiag outputs to see if that is continuing.

(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #136)
> After reducing max_rpc_cnt to 150 the responsiveness of the controller is
> good (no timeouts for now) and I see the jobs being started from the log. So
> everything seems pretty good for now.
Can we lower the this ticket to SEV3?
Comment 150 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-20 09:58:35 MDT
Created attachment 9637 [details]
Comment #149 requested logs
Comment 152 Nate Rini 2019-03-20 10:19:27 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #150)
> Created attachment 9637 [details]
> Comment #149 requested logs

Looks like all the "very large processing time" errors are gone. The REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO RPC is back down to a sane 153ms.

Looks like the backfiller is still starting the majority of the jobs but that could just be due to how busy your system is and the long wall clocks.

Is this issue resolved for you?
Comment 153 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-20 10:40:34 MDT
> Looks like all the "very large processing time" errors are gone. The
> REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO RPC is back down to a sane 153ms.
Agree. It looks like we got it.

> Looks like the backfiller is still starting the majority of the jobs but
> that could just be due to how busy your system is and the long wall clocks.
> Is this issue resolved for you?
The cluster resources utilization is at a good 88%. Do you mind keeping it open for a few more days while I keep an eye on it? I will reduce the ticket importance.

One more question. I started seeing a bunch of jobs pending with reason "Resources", some of them have been pending for a couple of days now and resources are definitely available. When I look into the slurmctld logs I see messages like:

>backfill: Failed to start JobId=7199845_* with cn[201-223,225-238,301-305,307-312,314-327,329-331,333,335,339-340,347-351,353-370,372-376,378,380-387,390-391,393-396,398-417,419-425,427-432,435-460,463-465,468,470-486,489-500,903-905,911-913,1081-1096,1121-1135,1201-1218,1220-1230,1232-1242,1257-1260,1263-1266,1268-1276,1278,1280,1282,1284-1290,1293-1300,1302,1304-1321,1323-1344,1346-1355,1357-1358,1360-1361,1364-1427,1430-1450,1452-1467,1469-1470,1472-1479,1481-1485,1490,1492-1494,1499,1501,1505-1506,1508-1509,1511,1517-1520,1523,1527-1528] avail: Requested nodes are busy
We have a couple of reservations scheduled on the cluster. Is it possible that Slurm is trying to assigned for the job a node in the reservation and it does not swap to a node outside a reservation? Here are the reservations currently scheduled:

> ReservationName=sc3260 StartTime=2019-04-27T09:00:00 EndTime=2019-05-07T09:00:00 Duration=10-00:00:00
>    Nodes=gpu[0032-0034] NodeCnt=3 CoreCnt=24 Features=(null) PartitionName=pascal Flags=SPEC_NODES
>    TRES=cpu=24
>    Users=(null) Accounts=sc3260_acc Licenses=(null) State=INACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

> ReservationName=sbcs_res StartTime=2019-03-18T08:00:00 EndTime=2019-04-04T08:00:00 Duration=17-00:00:00
>    Nodes=cn[1281,1283,1301,1322,1362-1363,1486-1489,1491,1495-1498,1502-1504,1514-1516,1521-1522,1524,1529] NodeCnt=25 CoreCnt=400 Features=(null) PartitionName=(null) Flags=SPEC_NODES
>    TRES=cpu=400
>    Users=(null) Accounts=sbcs Licenses=(null) State=ACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a

> ReservationName=oanh StartTime=2019-03-22T09:00:00 EndTime=2019-04-05T09:00:00 Duration=14-00:00:00
>    Nodes=cn[313,328,332,334,336-338,352,377,379,388,392,418,433,461-462,466-467,469,487-488,1101,1219,1262,1356,1468,1471,1500,1507,1526] NodeCnt=30 CoreCnt=404 Features=(null) PartitionName=production Flags=SPEC_NODES
>    TRES=cpu=404
>    Users=vuot2 Accounts=(null) Licenses=(null) State=INACTIVE BurstBuffer=(null) Watts=n/a
And here are the pending jobs:

> 7199845_[1-94]
> 7200244_[0-7]
> 7200246_[1-7]
> 7198374_65
> 7198374_89
> 7240637_[107-437]
> 7240861_[1-409]
> 7242047
> 7242234_[424-1250]
> 7242297_[37-50]
> 7242298_[1-41]
> 7242633
> 7243470
> 7243870
> 7244590_[13-18,20]
> 7244610
I will attach a fresh slurmctld log.
Comment 154 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-20 10:43:24 MDT
Created attachment 9639 [details]
slurmctld log - Comment #153
Comment 155 Nate Rini 2019-03-20 10:44:14 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #153)
> > Looks like all the "very large processing time" errors are gone. The
> > REQUEST_PARTITION_INFO RPC is back down to a sane 153ms.
> Agree. It looks like we got it.
> > Looks like the backfiller is still starting the majority of the jobs but
> > that could just be due to how busy your system is and the long wall clocks.
> > 
> > Is this issue resolved for you?
> The cluster resources utilization is at a good 88%. Do you mind keeping it
> open for a few more days while I keep an eye on it? I will reduce the ticket
> importance.
Sure, please note that responding to a closed ticket will reopen it.

> One more question. I started seeing a bunch of jobs pending with reason
> "Resources", some of them have been pending for a couple of days now and
> resources are definitely available. When I look into the slurmctld logs I
> see messages like:
Can you please open another 2 tickets for these issues? This ticket is already hard enough for anyone else to follow.
Comment 156 Davide Vanzo 2019-03-20 10:48:39 MDT
Agree. Go ahead and close it. I will reopen it if I see Slurm not working properly.

Thank you for all the help!

Comment 157 Nate Rini 2019-03-20 10:49:49 MDT
(In reply to Davide Vanzo from comment #156)
> Agree. Go ahead and close it. I will reopen it if I see Slurm not working
> properly.
> Thank you for all the help!

Happy to help.

Closing ticket per your response.
