This page describes the various fields that you see on a ticket.



The Status field indicates the current state of a ticket. Only certain status transitions are allowed. The Resolution field indicates what happened to this ticket.
Open Tickets
This ticket has recently been added to the database. Nobody has confirmed that this ticket is valid. Users who have the "canconfirm" permission set may confirm this ticket, changing its state to CONFIRMED. Or, it may be directly resolved and marked RESOLVED.
This ticket is valid and has recently been filed. Tickets in this state become IN_PROGRESS when somebody is working on them, or become resolved and marked RESOLVED.
This ticket is not yet resolved, but is assigned to the proper person who is working on the ticket. From here, tickets can be given to another person and become CONFIRMED, or resolved and become RESOLVED.
No resolution yet. All tickets which are in one of these "open" states have no resolution set.
Closed Tickets
A resolution has been performed, and it is awaiting verification by QA. From here tickets are either reopened and given some open status, or are verified by QA and marked VERIFIED.
QA has looked at the ticket and the resolution and agrees that the appropriate resolution has been taken. This is the final status for tickets.
A fix for this ticket is checked into the tree and tested.
The problem described is not a ticket.
The problem described is a ticket which will never be fixed.
The problem is a duplicate of an existing ticket. When a ticket is marked as a DUPLICATE, you will see which ticket it is a duplicate of, next to the resolution.
All attempts at reproducing this ticket were futile, and reading the code produces no clues as to why the described behavior would occur. If more information appears later, the ticket can be reopened.

Other Fields

A short, unique name assigned to a ticket in order to assist with looking it up and referring to it in other places in Bugzilla.
Alineos Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
The person in charge of resolving the ticket.
Assignee Real Name
A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla.
Atos/Eviden Sites
Sites from Atos/Eviden Sites
This ticket must be resolved before the tickets listed in this field can be resolved.
Users who may not have a direct role to play on this ticket, but who are interested in its progress.
When this ticket was last updated.
Tickets are categorised into Classifications, Products and Components. classifications is the top-level categorisation.
CLE Version
A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla.
Tickets have comments added to them by Bugzilla users. You can search for some text in those comments.
Comment Tag
A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla.
Components are second-level categories; each belongs to a particular Product. Select a Product to narrow down this list.
Confidential Site
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
This is a field available in searches that does a Google-like 'full-text' search on the Summary and Comment fields.
Coreweave sites
List of Coreweave sites
Cray Sites
List for Cray sites
Creation date
When the ticket was filed.
The date that this ticket must be resolved by, entered in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Depends on
The tickets listed here must be resolved before this ticket can be resolved.
SchedMD Developer Priority Level for enhancements
DS9 clusters
List of DS9 clusters
Emory-Cloud Sites
Sites from Emory-Cloud Sites
The hardware platform the ticket was observed on. Note: When searching, selecting the option "All" only finds tickets whose value for this field is literally the word "All".
HPCnow Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
HPE Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
IBM Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
The importance of a ticket is described as the combination of its Priority and Severity.
You can add keywords from a defined list to tickets, in order to easily identify and group them.
Last Visit
A custom Date/Time field in this installation of Bugzilla.
Linux Distro
Linux Distribution
Machine Name
A custom Free Text field in this installation of Bugzilla.
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
NoveTech Sites
List for NoveTech Sites
Nvidia HWinf-CS Sites
Sites from Nvidia HWinf-CS Sites
OCF Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
The operating system the ticket was observed on. Note: When searching, selecting the option "All" only finds tickets whose value for this field is literally the word "All".
Personal Tags
Unlike Keywords which are global and visible by all users, Personal Tags are personal and can only be viewed and edited by their author. Editing them won't send any notification to other users. Use them to tag and keep track of tickets.
Engineers prioritize their tickets using this field.
Tickets are categorised into Products and Components.
QA Contact
The person responsible for confirming this ticket if it is unconfirmed, and for verifying the fix once the ticket has been resolved.
QA Contact Real Name
A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla.
Recursion Pharma Sites
Sites from Recursion Pharma
The person who filed this ticket.
Reporter Real Name
A custom Unknown Type field in this installation of Bugzilla.
See Also
This allows you to refer to tickets in other installations. You can enter a URL to a ticket in the 'Add Ticket URLs' field to note that that ticket is related to this one. You can enter multiple URLs at once by separating them with whitespace.

You should normally use this field to refer to tickets in other installations. For tickets in this installation, it is better to use the Depends on and Blocks fields.

How severe the ticket is, or whether it's an enhancement.
SFW Sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
SNIC sites
A custom Drop Down field in this installation of Bugzilla.
The ticket summary is a short sentence which succinctly describes what the ticket is about.
Target Release
Release target for enhancement.
Ticket ID
The numeric id of a ticket, unique within this entire installation of Bugzilla.
Tickets can have a URL associated with them - for example, a pointer to a web site where the problem is seen.
The version field defines the version of the software the ticket was found in.
Version Fixed
Version of Slurm containing the bug fix.